Customer service – Sales Support
A career in sales support offers the opportunity to work at companies across multiple industries and to support their customers across multiple service and product lines.
Customer Service-
Sales Support
9 Week Program
- 115 Instructor hours
- 20 Lab hours
Schedule Options
- This program is available in person and online.
- Meet 3 days per week with Morning (9 AM-11 AM), Afternoon(1 PM-3 PM) or Evening (6 PM-8 PM online only) schedule options.
Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate ability to document general customer
service data as a sales support professional - Demonstrate understanding of features and specifications of products and services
- Demonstrate efficiency in consultative type services
- And more…
Industry recognized credential options from:

Email: [email protected]
440 Burroughs St.
Detroit, MI 48202
Monday - Thursday
9am - 6pm